Setting intentions is a great way to increase your likelihood of manifesting more of what you want, and this is because;
There is tremendous power in taking time to tap into what your heart and soul wants to experience and manifest and then declaring that to the universe!
And while most people might *think* that the best way to do this is to simply write a list of things they’d like to attract or achieve, there are other key components involved in actually getting your intention setting process to work more powerfully for you.
So before you go running off to write your wish list for the year ahead, make sure you take action on the steps below!
Step 1. Complete Your Unfinished Business
(before setting your intentions!)
Before you even think about what your intentions are for next year, its important to tie off all of your loose ends from this year.
Think about…
What bills need to be paid? What light bulb needs changing? What clothes need to be donated?
Even though these tasks might not appear on your written to-do list, they appear on your vibrational to-do list, and the universe knows no difference!
Think about them as if they were energetic clutter preventing you from freeing up the space you need to manifest the new.
The best way to complete your unfinished business is to set a day aside put everything onto paper and then take action on the most important tasks.
What things don't you want to carry over to the following year?
✔︎ If its debt, then make sure you get all of your bills paid.
✔︎ If it's lack of self confidence, then throw away clothes that make you feel less than amazing!
✔︎ If its ill health, remove the junk food and toxic products from your house.
*Whatever you decide, remember, the universe abhors a vacuum ;)
Step 2. Reflect and Celebrate.
So many of us are quick to want to jump into the next year in the hopes that it will be better than the last.
The problem with this is;
If you do nothing to realise and appreciate the greatness of what you've just experienced, chances are the next year is going to be pretty much the same.
And this is because;
You take your energy with you into the following year!
So, before you set your intentions its important to make sure your energy is in a place of peace and appreciation.
If you’ve had a difficult year ask yourself:
What was the gift?
In every difficult situation we face there is always an opportunity for growth…
Maybe you got fired from your job but it enabled you to discover your true passion and purpose?
Perhaps you called it off with your lover but in doing so made room for the right person to come along?
Whatever your experience was, see it with fresh new eyes so you enter the following year with positive mindset and high vibration.
On the contrary, if you feel like you smashed the year then celebrate!
Champagne is always a good choice but if you want to revel in the vibration of appreciation longer - create a collage of photos that highlight all the achievements you made.
*The process of going through your photos and making this type of shrine is a fantastic way to attract more success in the following year.
Step 3. Get Clear On Your Intentions
Lastly, in order to make your intentions as powerful as possible place your focus on - who you want to be - rather than - what you want to get.
The reason this is so important is because;
When we approach our manifesting from this place, we are able to tap into what are heart and soul desires as opposed to our ego.
And it’s our intentions that come from our heart and soul that have more MEANING and therefore produce more FEELING.
*And its our feelings that then alter our vibration and attract our desires to us!
To set your intentions - spend at least 20 minutes really feeling into and imagining what you want your life to be in the following year.
Ask yourself:
Who do I want to be?
How do I want to feel?
What am I craving in my life?
Once you have your answers come up with some intentions that aren’t necessarily goal oriented but that come from your soul.
These could be anything from sleeping peacefully to laughing more.
And the beautiful thing about setting your intentions this way is that;
You will be so ENERGETICALLY ALIGNED to them that they will continue to feel good throughout the entire year!
And the more CONNECTED you are to your intentions the more likely they are to manifest!
As always I hope you enjoyed this post…