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Could you think yourself RICH? How the law of attraction helped business expert, 27, boost her bank account by $1,400 in a matter of months - and her simple tips for how you can do it too

Posted by Laura ashley on March 18, 2021 - 1:07am

Could you think yourself RICH? How the law of attraction helped business expert, 27, boost her bank account by $1,400 in a matter of months - and her simple tips for how you can do it too

  • Erin Henry, 27, is a business and digital influence coach from Melbourne  
  • She shared her top tips on using manifestation to grow your bank account
  • Erin shared some of her own examples and how she made $1,450 in months 
  • She says while there are sceptics, there is a lot of scientific research on the topic

By Laura House for Daily Mail

Every day, thousands of people refer to themselves as 'broke' or 'tight' when it comes to their money situation. 

But according to business and digital influence coach, Erin Henry, 27, this mindset could be holding you back and preventing you from living the lifestyle you've always dreamed of. 

In fact, the Melbourne -based expert says the mind is so powerful, that it can actually help you boost your bank account in a matter of months - all thanks to the law of attraction. 

Scroll down for the video  

Every day, thousands of people refer to themselves as 'broke' or 'tight' when it comes to their money situation - but according to business coach, Erin Henry (pictured) this mindset could be holding you back

Every day, thousands of people refer to themselves as 'broke' or 'tight' when it comes to their money situation - but according to business coach, Erin Henry (pictured) this mindset could be holding you back

In fact, the Melbourne-based expert says the mind is so powerful, that it can actually help you boost your bank account in a matter of months - all thanks to the law of attraction


In fact, the Melbourne-based expert says the mind is so powerful, that it can actually help you boost your bank account in a matter of months - all thanks to the law of attraction

The business coach reveals how she used manifestation to make money



Taking to her YouTube channel recently, Erin, who describes herself as living her 'dream life, opened up about her own experiences and shared her top tips for using the law of attraction to boost your bank account for good. 

'I wanted to give you a story about something I did recently to manifest money into my life,' Erin, the founder of The May Collective, explained. 

'I wanted to preface this by saying I don't use a lot of my manifestations, meditations, or visualizations to manifest money per se. I go through the experiences I want to have and the things I want to have in my life.  


Laura ashley Thanks for your great comments! Please suscribe!
March 20, 2021 at 11:05pm
Corneliu Boghian interesting info , thanks for sharing
March 20, 2021 at 3:38pm
Simon Keighley Thanks for sharing Erin Henry's tips about how she used manifestation to make money, Laura - interesting video.
March 18, 2021 at 9:07am