Boni Is another great Law of Attraction blogger. I like to read what she has to say. One thing though, where she says "universe," I say "God" I just wanted you to know the difference. Boni has great motivational ideas and helps break LOA down into practical and applicable steps. Enjoy!
Blessings, Laura
Would You Perform Brain Surgery on Yourself? Letting Go and Letting God do His Job!
Would you want to perform your own brain surgery? Would you try to do your own root canal? Would you prefer to land the next jet you fly on?
Of course not. Not unless you are a brain surgeon, endodontist, or jet pilot. Why? Because they do it better. Chances are they do it a lot better.
So why do the job of the universe? Why decide how you want something to look, rather than allowing the universe to do what it does best: handle the details.
I attended a gift show with a friend a few summers back, to scout out cool gifts for one of my businesses. We got to the show, and it was packed. I’ve never seen so many cars at this place. It was a 95 degree day, and the parking lot radiated heat. As I took in the situation, I decided I wanted to create a parking space close to the door.
Parking spaces are a fairly easy creation, and I’d become quite powerful in my ability to manifest them. Not a problem, I figured. Usually, I would just do a quick visualization of my car pulling into an empty slot (with harm to none) and “voila!” it would appear. But that day, it just wasn’t happening. I wondered briefly why that was… then, figuring there must be a reason, I let it go.
The further away from the door we drove, the more cars we saw. And still – no empty spaces. Finally, after driving nearly as far as we could, on the opposite side of the building… was a space. I grabbed it. I hadn’t received my parking space close to the building after all.
However, within a few feet, we caught a shuttle to the main door, and on the way back, the shuttle driver dropped us off right next to my car – even better than a space close to the door. I did get what I wanted – not having to walk across a blazing parking lot. But it didn’t look like I thought it would.
That’s a small example. But how about this:
During the same year, my hours at work were cut from my job as a corporate VP of a small marketing company, from 40 to 12 hours a week. This was unacceptable. I needed those hours to survive. It was tempting to fall into self-pity, blame, or fear about finances. It wasn’t easy to stay focused on what I really wanted – more autonomy, more money, more creativity, and more hours to spend on my writing.
But I forced myself to practice feeling how I would feel when I received that reality. I reminded myself often that my reality was my choice, and this happening only meant change, and that even better things than my original job were about to appear.
Within a week of being notified of the cutback, I picked up a year-long freelance job that paid me three times as much money as I was making and allowed me to work from home on an easy project. I didn’t expect it to play out like that when I designed my dream – but I got exactly what I wanted.
Some call it, “Letting the universe handle the details.” Some call it “Letting go and letting God.” The bottom line is, if we try to control the way things look, we end up doing ourselves more harm than good.
This universe of free will operates very much like a computer. Energy in = reality out. If you put energy in for an end result, there could be thousands of possible routes to that end result. Usually, the most direct route (read the fastest outcome) is not one our logical mind would think of.
As in the examples above, what oftentimes seems like bad news is simply the most direct route to the thing we want. If we stay out of judgment, fear, and other constrictive emotions, and focus on the essence, or the emotion of our desires (i.e., the way we want to feel), we will be pleasantly surprised at the resourcefulness of the universe.
It’s not easy. We all have preconceived notions of how things should work out and how our dreams should look. We have beliefs that specify the only way things can happen. But those ideas and beliefs are slowing down what we desire and sometimes stopping it from happening altogether.
It’s not the circumstances that bring good results to you. A good job doesn’t ensure you’ll be rich, secure, and happy in that job. Your resonance determines whether you’ll be rich, secure, and happy. A good job can be the detail the universe chooses, but so could the payoff from a great investment that frees you to open your own business, or maybe a neighbor who decides to move to Europe and asks you to run her company while she’s away.
If you send out pure energy of prosperity, security, ease, fun, etc., and let the universe decide the most elegant way for it to show up in your life, you’re opening every possible door that could bring you a reality that you will love. If you have rigid ideas about what, how, when and where your dream arrives, you’re closing possible avenues for it to manifest.
Know you can have everything you desire. Know that it will take time, patience, knowledge, skill, and healing to open all the doors of possibility. Trust the universe and your unseen friends to take care of the details. They will – if you do your part and become crystal clear about how you want it to feel when it arrives and then, blissfully, let it go.
In joyful creation,
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