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Your Law of Attraction List of Wishes 12 Tips

Posted by Laura ashley on March 10, 2021 - 3:04am Edited 3/10 at 3:10am

For today's blog, I have combined two great resources!  First is a video from Mary Kate on how to write down the things in life that you want to create and watch them manifest fast!  You gotta love Mary Kate.  Just click the link right below.  The second is from "The Best Law of Attraction/Spread the Love" Website.  It is also full of ideas on writing out your desires to help in the Law of Attraction manifesting process.  So you are getting two great resources in one blog.  You're welcome!
Be Blessed, Laura


Your Law of Attraction List of Wishes 12 Tips

Your Law of Attraction List of Wishes 12 Tips

Yes everyone, including the kids if you want.


Now, when I was a kid, I can remember the joy and excitement, as I got near Christmas and birthdays of writing out a wish list. There was always something on there that I really really hoped for.

I wouldn’t necessarily give the list to anyone, as I didn’t want to put any pressure on anyone, so unless asked for one, I would keep it to myself.

The thing is though, that I clearly held onto my beliefs (I must have done) because I would get things I really wanted but hadn’t told my parent about.

I would think that writing a list is something that many of you do now with your kids, and many of you will have done yourself when younger.

These days, the kids even have access to Santa’s address to post letters in the UK!

So, the point I am making is that is something that anyone can do, even the kids. Follow the tips below and get your law of attraction list of wishes started. 

12 tips to help you on your way with your own law of attraction wishlist

1. Start small and grow with your journey.

If you are new to the law of attraction, I would definitely recommend starting small.

Write things on your list, that is very likely to be easy to manifest. For example, a parking space, happy colleagues, a small amount of extra money, a phone call or message from someone etc. Something that you can easily imagine, feel and is believable to you. 

The more you write your desires, and follow the rest of the tips, the more you are going to manifest.

And so, the more you are manifesting, the more you are going to realise, how the law of attraction really works and yes you have guessed it… the more you will have to write, as you will realise how easy it is to create your desires and wishes. You will gain confidence and more belief.

So, as you grow and move along your law of attraction path, your desires can grow with you. Because you will just know that they are coming to you.

2. Always remember to date the recordings

This one may sound simple, and very possibly obvious sounding, but it’s something that can get missed in the excitement of writing.

The law of attraction list of wishes isn’t just like any old list. It’s a never-ending list. So dates are important.

You just write it like you would any other journal… date and write, date and write. What I would also recommend is maybe leaving a bit of blank in between, that you can use at a later date.

white calendar showing June, a red book laying down, a white pot with pencils in too

So, by dating the recordings, you will then have a much clearer picture of how well your law of attraction journey is going for you.

If you feel the urge to write in your book more than once a day. That’s great. Then you can date again, or just make a note of the times that you wrote.  

3. Continue your list on a regular basis

There are no hard and fast rules here, but I would strongly recommend that if it is something that you choose to do, then you do it as part of your law of attraction routine.

You can do it at any time of the day, however, mornings are good as you are totally aligned when you very first wake, and so if you can get into writing it very early in the day, you will still be in a good place. Plus you have the bonus of finishing on a massive high, to continue the rest of your day! 

At the same time, nights are good before bed, as you stop any resistant thoughts during sleep, and so are in your allowing mode whilst sleeping.

It is something that you can write in once a day, a week or you may even prefer once a month. Whatever you choose, though, try and make it a consistent thing.

Of course, you could also pick up your book at any time, that you are feeling really good and get the urge or an impulse to write in it. As I say, no hard and fast rules. Just keep consistent and keep wishing. 

4. Write in the present tense

This is a very important one. Writing in the present tense.

So, say you are desiring a pay rise at work. Instead of writing in your book “I wish I had a pay rise at work”, or something like that, instead, write it like this – “I am so happy that I got a well-deserved pay rise at work. It’s so nice knowing we have that bit extra every month. Thank you”.

You may be wishing for a new relationship with a perfect partner, so instead of writing “I am really wishing for a new partner in my life, who loves me and I love them”, (again or something similar), write something like this – “My new partner is just amazing. We both feel unconditional love for each other, and it’s so lovely to be sharing my life experiences with him/her”.

By going into the present tense you are starting to trick your mind.

How? Because basically, you get your feelings going as if the wishes have already manifested. And so the law of attraction will match them for you.

If you feel wonderful positive feelings whilst writing, then the mind will send out wonderful positive vibes. The law of attraction will work on the desire and the vibes.

You are drumming these desires into your subconscious, and which in turn will begin to believe you. Tricking your subconscious is fun!

2 people walking along holding hands

 You are sending love, contentment and joy with a new partner. Your subconscious starts to believe that this person exists, you continue to send out amazing vibes and job done. So, the universe will respond with more of the same. And so your manifestations start happening. 

5. Include appreciation

Again, I know it’s something I go on about a lot, but appreciation is one of the keys to the law of attraction working fully to your own benefit. Without appreciating where you are at, you have a very slim chance of being able to progress forward on your journey.

Note how when writing the examples out, I was including appreciation, satisfaction and gratitude. I was expressing the feelings on paper, as well as sending out the vibes (Not me personally by the way. I am happy on my own).

You may or may not have a gratitude journal already going. If you do, and you keep it going at the same time then you are doubling up on your appreciation then. But if you don’t have one going, you are getting in wonderful opportunities to express your gratitude and appreciation through your wish list. 

6. Be as specific as you can and tweak to suit

This one comes down to how much faith you have in your desires coming to you.

When you start writing out your desires, try to be as specific as you can. Add in as much detail as is believable to you.

Watch your emotions here. If when writing out a desire/wish, you have good feelings about it, then great, however, if you start to feel disbelief or any other negative emotion then look at what you are writing.

Maybe go a bit more general and tone it down a notch at a time until it feels more believable to you. 

For example, you could be after a new car, with all the extras, in an electric blue, and brand new out of the showroom. If however when you start to write the desire out, you get negative emotions, like instant doubt, then tweak it. Try taking words out or reword it. Such as…

“I really am appreciative of my lovely new car, in the gorgeous colour that I want. It has everything I need, and more. I have manifested my car into my life and just love driving it around. Thank you”.

When you start to feel better and more positive over your desire then it is time to write it down.



Laura ashley Thanks Simon!
March 10, 2021 at 2:08pm
Simon Keighley Thanks for sharing your 12 tips to help us to develop our own law of attraction, Laura - have a blessed day.
March 10, 2021 at 8:56am
Laura ashley You are welcome Anbdrey!
March 10, 2021 at 4:16am
andrei68 Yarushin Thanks to Laura ashley for sharing.
March 10, 2021 at 3:44am