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Posted by Ronald Tate on May 03, 2021 - 4:06am Edited 5/3 at 4:09am





Brian Tracy Quote: “Successful people are simply those with successful  habits.”

While there is no way to know precisely what makes some people successful, we
can learn a lot by examining successful people. Often (not always, but often
enough to matter), high achievers exhibit similar habits and behaviors. The nine
habits below, show up over and over again in success stories. If you want to be
more successful in life, these behaviors might be an excellent place to start.
1. They Set Goals
Successful people know what they want. More than that, they actively set
goals in order to get what they want. Having goals in mind doesn't count
either. You need to write your goals down, and then break them down into an
action plan.
2. They Stay Healthy
Staying healthy is key on the road to success. A proper diet, solid exercise
routine and getting enough sleep are 3 of the most powerful things you can
do. Being healthy will let you focus on the pursuit of success and not worry
about always getting sick or fatigued.
3. They Face Fear
Fear is one of the biggest roadblocks to success. Just think about things you
might have missed out on because you were too nervous to take a chance.
Successful people feel fear just like the rest of us, but instead of giving up they
face it.
4. They Learn
It is kind of a shame that school ends so early in our lives. Some people feel
like that means they are done learning. This couldn't be further from the truth.
A commitment to lifelong learning will propel you towards success by keeping 
your mind sharp, and your skills up to date.
5. They Stay Organized
There may be a handful of geniuses who are able to create and think
surrounded by a mess, but for the rest of us "normies" a cluttered space is
nothing more than a distraction. You will save time, energy and boost focus if
you keep your space neat and tidy.
6. They Keep Balance
What is the point of success if you don't take time to enjoy it? Hard work is
clearly important but remember to relish the good times along the way.
Having a life balance will keep energy levels high and give you something to
look forward to besides work.
7. They Take Time to Think
Do you ever make time to just think? Successful people do. They know that
being successful means continually thinking "what next?". If you want to be
more successful, schedule 20-30 minutes of quiet thinking time into your day.
8. They Surround Themselves With Inspiring People
If you want to be successful, it helps to have successful friends. Besides the
doors they may open for you, having successful friends will inspire you. You
will learn what makes them tick, and it's never a bad thing to have a
likeminded social circle.
9. They Plan Their Day
Do you ever find yourself wondering what to do next? Successful people don't.
They take time to plan their day, because they know that the time invested will
pay off. Taking half an hour to plan your day, could save countless hours of
wondering what to do next.


1. Outliers: The Story of Success https://amzn.to/338DYSL

2. The Success Principles(TM) https://amzn.to/2PITBx3

3. The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success https://amzn.to/2Rkx6ik

4. Millionaire Success Habits https://amzn.to/3eeHIIR

M H Good post, Ronald, inspiring
May 3, 2021 at 12:36pm
Caleb Mpamei Thanks Ronald for sharing this success habits. Good points.
May 3, 2021 at 12:23pm
Simon Keighley Thanks for sharing these nine habits that keep occurring in success stories, Ronald - great tips.
May 3, 2021 at 7:42am
Charles Phillips Tremenous tips to learn to mimic the habits that successful people appear to possess.
May 3, 2021 at 4:28am