A lot of people believe that spending a lot of money to promote your digital products is very wise since most of the marketing costs these days are spent on digital products. The truth is that there are still a lot of big companies using this traditional marketing. Why do you think most of the big companies spending money?
Well, they know that traditional marketing costs are very high and this is a way to save costs. Most of the big companies prefer this marketing method because they could get a lot of positive media for their products and it is less risky that traditional advertising.
Digital products or E-books have become very popular over the past 5 years and the demand for digital products is growing every single day. If you want to sell digital products, you must know that you are going to get a lot of traffic on your digital site. And the traffic is very important because the traffic could convert into sales.
You should make sure that you are using the right marketing methods to promote your digital products as most of the older methods do not work anymore now that you have adopted to Google AdWords and AdBrite.
Digital marketing does not only mean marketing with E-books as there is still a lot of traditional marketing you can do to promote. You can use forums, pay Per Click advertising like Google AdWords, Yahoo Search Marketing, AOL Search Marketing, MSN Search Marketing, and others. This traditional advertising could bring you a lot of traffic and it is less risky because you do not need to bid on all of the keywords that you are intending to advertise. You can use the traditional methods to drive consistent traffic to your site that could be able to convert into sales. The key with this traditional advertising is that it must be something you have always done before.
Digital marketing is not only a way to convert your traffic but also a more flexible way to work because you can work at your own pace so you should have the discipline to do this type of marketing. If you have not started using digital marketing to drive traffic or if you have tried digital marketing and failed to convert traffic, you should not continue it as it is not a real alternative for making fast money.