rtant part of the whole idea to create a video to show people what it is you do. Not only is it important to show what you do, but how is it different from other things they might see. So, what is the main difference between other people might get interested in?
It is important to start by defining what you do. What is your specialty? Are you an internet marketer, an internet marketer-like specialist, or a business consultant?
Once you know what you do, and define your specialty, you can further define your niche. Niche, as all the best internet marketers know, is defined by what people do when they search for something. So, what do your potential customers do when they search for something on the internet?
They go to a website.
If your website has the answer to the question, what does X do, then your niche is, "what does X do", right? You know, the website where you do what you do.
But, before you can know what people want, you need to know how they operate. I can explain this far better than you can, or your own self, so you should look at how people operate, and then go backwards from there. That is how to do it. That is a good way to do it. What I am getting at is, you must understand what people want before you can offer a solution to their need. Once you understand this, all other things are secondary.
Now, if I asked you what you do for a living, you might say, "I'm a psychologist." Now, if I said, "What does a psychologist do?" You might say, "Well, that's a very broad term, and it doesn't explain my specialty." I'd say, "What does psychology have to do with your day to day life?" "Well," you'd say, "Well, I do stuff like therapy, and counseling, and helping people with emotional problems, or difficulties in their relationships, or their children, or their families, or whatever." Now, that is a very broad term, and it explains your day to day life.
The point is, that is what people search for when they search for your specialty. If I said, "What does X do?" and you answered, "Well," you would have a narrower focus. But," you'd respond, "I do stuff like..." "Well," I'd say, "What other things do you do?" "Well," you'd say, "Well, I help people with finances, and business problems, or things like that." Now, you've narrowed your focus, and you're getting closer to what the people want. When they want you to narrow your focus to your specialty, you focus on that. And as long as you are being focused on by them on their specialty, they are understanding your message, your subject, what you specialize in.
A very important point about narrowing your focus, is that people generally only want you to be focused on them. That's it. I can tell you, and you can tell them, that you do X, Y and Z. Not everyone wants to know that you do something specific.
If you need a test, and there are a million of them out there, and they are all the same. You don't have to spend time researching which one is the best. You don't have to go to the effort of finding out which one is the best. I can tell you that one is the best for you. I can give you the research, and I can point you to the test. I can give you the research, and tell you why that particular test is the best for you. That's what the testimonials are for.
In our internet marketing, let's use video again as an example. When someone subscribes to your youtube channel, you're not just letting them know that you have videos up, but you're letting them know that you are somebody who cares about them. You are somebody who is going to treat them well. You are somebody who will give them good content on there, and not take advantage of them in any way. That's why they are subscribing to you.
If someone is searching for a diet guru, and you are the guru, and you have the answer to their problems, it's because you've helped them. It's because you are somebody who cares about them. You are somebody who is going to give them good content. You are somebody who will give them good advice, and it is not at their expense.