What is WillPower isn't all it is cracked up to be? This book looks at why WIllPower doesn't work and how you can succeed in spite of it?
One of the most popular books about success ever - The Success Principles. If you haven't read it yet, put it on top of your list.
In this highly publicized book, Dean Grazios looks at the secrets to success from a number of different millionaires. https://amzn.to/3arIxvy
This was actually the first book I ever read about the concept of success. In fact, it was probably the first a number of people read, since it has been in print since 1928! The lessons are just as meaningful now, as they were then.
This book is a bit different from your standard self-help fare. Wildly successful author Malcolm Gladwell takes a look at the "outliers" and what makes these extreme achievers special.
What does success mean to you?
What is the last accomplishment that made you feel truly successful?
What do you think is the most important habit to have in order to be successful?
What skill do you think is holding you back from true success?
Who is someone successful that you admire? What makes them a success in your eyes?