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The Life-Extending, Brain-Boosting Benefits of Grapes Nutrition P-15


Grapes are so much fun to eat with their round shape and unique texture

Risks of Grapes

Grapes may pack a big punch with pesticides from the conventional growers. The 2014 edition of the Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides by the Environmental Working Group has once again identified conventionally grown grapes as one of most problematic fruits and vegetables in terms of pesticide residues.

By purchasing certified organic grapes, you can avoid the damaging intake of pesticides. In a recent study of 99 vineyards in the Aegean Sea area of the Mediterranean, pesticide residues were found on conventionally grown table grapes but were determined to be undetectable on grapes that had been organically grown. This is great news and provides the evidence needed that going organic is a must.

Article Produced By
Dr. Josh Axe

Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CNS, is a doctor of chiropractic, certified doctor of natural medicine and clinical nutritionist with a passion to help people eat healthy and live a healthy lifestyle. In 2008, he started a functional medicine center in Nashville, which grew to become one of the most renowned clinics in the world.


(All these Articles can be read from this URL: 
https://markethive.com/group/ama/blog/the-role-of-resveratrol-in-achieving-optimal-health-p5 )

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