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Bias In Big Tech Exposed - Insider Whistleblower Is Outed

Posted by Simon Keighley on October 03, 2019 - 7:10am Edited 11/8 at 8:54am

Bias In Big Tech Exposed -

Insider Whistleblower Is Outed

Bias in big tech is big news, Just recently, the Justice Department launched an anti-trust review and Project Veritas, an organization that was formed to expose corruption and a go-to for whistleblowers was present at a White House Summit with the President and other influencers to talk about big tech. Project Veritas Investigations have been featured in congressional hearings and its momentum is growing. 

In June of 2019, an ex-employee of Google Zachary Vorhies, came forward as he claims he just couldn’t live with himself if he didn’t expose what he knew Google was doing behind the scenes and implement the plans they were planning. After 3 years of becoming aware of what Google was doing since 2016, he now feels more at peace, as if a great burden has been lifted off his soul. 

After Zachary leaked the internal documents to Project Veritas anonymously, he decided to go public as he received a letter from Google to cease and desist his actions and return all documents to Google. He did comply with Google’s demands, but not before he sent those documents to the Justice Antitrust Division.

Interesting to note, Project Veritas had to re-upload the anonymous Google Exposé after it was taken down by YouTube ahead of the White House Social Media Summit where Project Veritas CEO and Founder James O’Keefe was invited shortly after the initial release of the report. 

James O’Keefe accepted the invitation and released a statement:

“If legendary muckrakers like Lincoln Steffens and Ida Tarbell can work alongside Teddy Roosevelt to expose and reform Big Oil — Project Veritas can be synergistic with the Trump administration to pull back the curtain surrounding Big Tech.”


U.S. Congressman Louie Gohmert also responded to the undercover video of Google released by Project Veritas in a Press Release  saying, 

“Google should not be deciding whether content is important or trivial and they most assuredly should not be meddling in our election process. They need their immunity stripped…”


 Zachary Vorhies, The brave and humble whistleblower subsequently made the decision to do an on-the-record video interview with Project Veritas where he stated, 

“I had been collecting the documents for over a year. And the reason why I collected these documents was because I saw something dark and nefarious going on with the company and I realized that there were going to not only tamper with the elections  but use that tampering with the elections to essentially overthrow the United States.”

Zachary Vorhies also added that these documents were extensively available to full-time employees of Google,

“These documents were available to every single employee within the company that was full-time. And so as a fulltime employee at the company, I just searched for some keywords and these documents started to pop up. And so once I started finding one document and started finding keywords for other documents and I would enter that in and continue this cycle until I had a treasure trove and archive of documents that clearly spelled out the system, what they’re attempting to do in very clear language.” 


Whistleblower, Identified

Zachary Vorhies was outed and identified by an anonymous account on social media as a “leaker”. It’s worth noting that Zachary believes that the account belongs to a Google employee. Consequently, he was approached by the San Fransisco police at his home in California after they had received a call from Google which prompted a “wellness check.”  To put it more bluntly “a mental health call”. 

Mr. Vorhies described the incident to Project Veritas,

“they got inside the gate, the police, and they started banging on my door… And so the police decided that they were going to call in additional forces. They called in the FBI, they called in the SWAT team. And they called in a bomb squad.”

He went on to say, “...This is a large way in which [Google tries to] intimidate their employees that go rogue on the company…”


Below is the Project Veritas video of the on-the-record interview with Zachary Vorhies 


The Leaked Google Documents

Thanks to Vorhies brave actions, Project Veritas did release hundreds of internal Google documents

One of those documents is a file called “news blacklist site for google now” This blacklist restricts certain websites from appearing on news feeds. What this means is these sites will not show up underneath the search bar on an Android phone. Google has publically stated under oath they do not have blacklists but this clearly proves they do. 

Google calls itself a Platform so it is exempt under the Section 230 Act, but as Zachary stated Google is playing both sides of the game. On one hand, they are saying they are a platform and immune from being sued for the content they host on their website. However, on‌ ‌the‌ ‌other‌ ‌hand, they are acting as a publisher where they determine the editorial agender of certain companies. If these companies don’t fall in line with Google’s editorial agender, then their news articles get de-boosted and de-ranked. If people do fall in line with their agenda they will get boosted and pushed to the top. 

The list includes conservative and progressive websites, such as newsbusters.orgmediamatters.organd Infowars.comThe document says that some sites are listed with or because of a “high user block rate.”

Other documents include employees discussing diversity hiring practices where a Google employee expresses concern that the document appears to “misrepresent Google’s hiring practices in a way that could raise legal questions…” 

Another Google document shows a thread of employees at Google discussing and proposing a plan to change the Google translation of the term “Covfefe” An infamous tweet made by President Trump. 


A newly published document titled “Fringe Ranking/Classifier: Defining Channel Quality”. It lists an example ranking of various news sites including CNN and FOX News. another document titled  “Fake news & other fringe: Trashy recap” reveals that videos are rated by multiple “human raters.”


Anti-Conservative Bias

Another internal Google document Project Veritas published shows Google employees calling conservative commentators “nazis:”


“People Like Us Are Programmed” 

An additional document of the hundreds that were handed over by Vorhies, titled “Fair is Not the Default” says “People (like us) are programmed” after the results of machine learning fairness.  The document describes how “unconscious bias” and algorithms interact.


Zachary Vorhies hopes that more insiders at Google decide to go public and discuss what happening with big tech abuses, He implores,

“My message to those that are on the fence is I released the documents. They can go in, they can see everything that Google is doing and then they can see the scale of it. Because I think that there’s a lot of engineers that have a hint that things are wrong, but they don’t understand the colossal scale that it’s at. And so for those people, I say, look at the documents, take the pulse of America, see what’s happening and come and tell the world you know what you already know to be true.”


A Second Insider Comes forward 

Greg Coppola Senior Google Engineer is now on administrative leave after he spoke to Project Veritas in an on-the-record interview about alleged bias in Google News and Google Search. 

Greg Coppola states that we are at a very important point in human history and tech history for that matter.

Previously, we had tech that was politically neutral and generally felt safe when it came to our personal data. No one really could foresee what was to come, including the very happy and loyal engineers' of Google that felt extremely fortunate to work at Google. Good working conditions, good pay and even free food. 

Do we run the technology or does the technology run us? Are we going to continue to have elections that mean anything? Are we going to continue to think for ourselves or just let the biggest tech companies decide who wins the election from now on? 

There is an ambiguity of whether big tech is neutral or whether it’s biased. There are Google executives going to congress stating that it’s not manipulative or political but certain whistleblowers, Google insiders, are sure that these statements are just not true. 


Find out more about Greg Cappola and the interview that took place at Project Veritas 


Greg Cappola also gave the first live television interview with host Tucker Carlson. The interview was short and when asked will he be punished for coming on the show, he replied that he wasn’t sure what the future holds for him at the moment. At that time he was Senior Google Engineer but has since been put on Administrative Leave. 



The mission of Project Veritas is to investigate and expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions in order to achieve a more ethical and transparent society. Their goal is to inform the public of wrongdoing and allow the public to make judgments on the issues. Project Veritas will continue to investigate political bias at big tech companies. 

I admire James O’Keefe, Zachary Vorhies, Greg Cappola and anyone else who stands their ground in this revolution to expose the wrongdoing of the tech giants and get the IoT back on the track of free enterprise, transparency, autonomy, and total fairness. Whether big tech is doing it unwittingly, with good intentions or calculated planning to further bias agendas, it must be stopped. Exposure at any cost will, in‌ ‌turn, benefit all. 

This is just the beginning and with the technology of the Blockchain which allows free speech, privacy, and autonomy the power that these conglomerates hold will be more evenly distributed. The people will have a choice of who they will trust and what services they will utilize. 

Markethive, an upcoming news site, in fact, a complete platform and an entire ecosystem is one company standing up for the people. Built on Blockchain with state of the art technology not reliant on the Google search engines is for the people, by the people, and of the people. The world is changing, nefarious activity and monopolies are being exposed and it’s all for the better to make way for the next generation of a fairer, more autonomous internet. 


Deb Williams
Market Manager for Markethive, a global Market Network, and Writer for the Crypto/Blockchain Industry. Also a strong advocate for technology, progress, and freedom of speech.  I embrace "Change" with a passion and my purpose in life is to help people understand, accept and move forward with enthusiasm to achieve their goals. 

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