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Blockchain Is Now the Most In-Demand Skill on the Planet: LinkedIn

Posted by Simon Keighley on February 13, 2020 - 4:43am

Blockchain Is Now the Most In-Demand Skill on the Planet: LinkedIn

Blockchain Is Now the Most In-Demand Skill on the Planet: LinkedIn

By Daily Hodl

A new report from the social network giant LinkedIn says blockchain professionals are in demand in 2020.

The report places blockchain at the top of a list of “hard skills” that are highly sought after – above expertise in cloud computing, analytical reasoning, artificial intelligence, user experience design, business analysis and affiliate marketing.

“Blockchain was born in 2009 to support the use of cryptocurrency.

But blockchain’s novel way to store, validate, authorize, and move data across the internet has evolved to securely store and send any digital asset. The small supply of professionals who have this skill are in high demand.” 

A recent study from Indeed found that the number of jobs in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry increased 26% from 2018 through 2019.

Although the report says employer demand has “skyrocketed,” it also shows searches for Bitcoin, blockchain and cryptocurrency roles fell 53% in the same time frame.

“Employers, however, are doubling down on these tamper-proof blockchain technologies, which means there’s likely lots of opportunities for job seekers with these skills or interested in this industry.”

According to the study, the top job openings in the world of blockchain are for software engineers, senior software engineers, software architects, full-stack developers and front end developers.

Artice produced by Daily Hodl



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Simon Keighley You're welcome Mack, thanks for reading how blockchain professionals are in demand this year.
February 13, 2020 at 11:50pm
Mack Shead Jr Great article Simon thanks for sharing
February 13, 2020 at 9:29am