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Former CTFC chairman presents plan for digital dollar

Posted by Simon Keighley on January 17, 2020 - 5:03am

Former CTFC chairman presents plan for digital dollar

Former CTFC chairman presents plan for digital dollar

By Robert Stevens

Christopher Giancarlo's Digital Dollar Project hopes to kickstart a digital, tokenized US dollar.

Christopher Giancarlo, AKA the former chairman of the Commodity Futures Exchange Commission, AKA "Crypto-dad", today launched a non-profit dedicated to promoting and studying a digital US dollar that could be sent "as easily as text."

"We are launching the Digital Dollar Project to catalyze a digital, tokenized US currency that would coexist with other Federal Reserve liabilities and serve as a settlement medium to meet the demands of the new digital world and a cheaper, faster and more inclusive global financial system," said Giancarlo in a statement.

Giancarlo founded the nonprofit along with Daniel Gorfine, a former CTFC chief innovation officer, who in October penned a Wall Street Journal opinion piece with Giancarlo suggesting the US should "send the dollar to cyberspace." Others in the non-profit include Giancarlo's brother, Charles Giancarlo, and hedge fund Silver Lake Partners.

"A digital dollar would help future-proof the greenback and allow individuals and global enterprises to make payments in dollars irrespective of space and time," said Giancarlo in a statement.

It would also help the US keep up with its main rival superpower, China, which is on track to launch a digital Yuan. A digital dollar would also help protect the dollar against corporate threats, such as Libra, the sort-of-stablecoin produced by the Facebook-led Libra Association, and the ever-popular US dollar stablecoin, Tether.

Article by Robert Stevens



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Kevin Jacobson There they go oh, if you can't beat them join them. Then monopolize the whole deal and keep the Lion's Share of the money for themselves. Same old song and dance.
January 17, 2020 at 5:07am