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UUnit - Next Generation of Digital Gold

Posted by Simon Keighley on August 30, 2019 - 6:24am Edited 8/30 at 10:38am

UUnit - Next Generation of Digital Gold

UUnit is a unique project aiming to create the next digital gold by building a distributed community for a new cryptocurrency.

UUnits are distributed for free to help grow the community and build the universal unit of value.

Only your name & email are required to reserve Your Free UUnits. Verification is via email.

Additional UUnits can be reserved by referring the project to your friends and playing Spin-the-Wheel (new feature) for a bit of fun. I've personally accumulated thousands of additional UUnits spinning the wheel.


Explore UUnit's Homepage


These projects can only be described as speculative until the digital currency (cryptocurrency) trades on the DEX (Decentralised Exchange) and becomes a unit of value.

I'm not going to overhype UUnits by comparing them to Bitcoin - they're like a free lottery ticket in my book until they are traded as a true cryptocurrency, however, they are completely risk-free - you never know what their future beholds.

Lately, UUnit's future does look rather exciting - they have recently recruited a Deputy Global Ambassador and currently recruiting Country Ambassadors across the globe.

The FAQ page & Roadmap in the top menu of UUnit's homepage provides more information.

UUnit also has a Facebook Page - a Twitter Page and a live Telegram Group.


UUnit Video - Next generation of digital gold


Simon Keighley Hey Darren, I've been collecting UUnits since the day their website launched, however, like any wannabe cryptocurrency, UUnits are purely speculation. Having said that, it's completely risk-free to sign-up and reserve your share.
August 31, 2019 at 2:47am
M H Thank you, good work
August 31, 2019 at 2:47am
Simon Keighley I agree M H and Gerald - there are far too many cryptocurrencies emerging and it is becoming more difficult to judge who will succeed - I certainly don't know the answer, the reason I describe them all as a free lottery ticket.
August 31, 2019 at 2:42am
Gerald Roberts Hmm, I ponder
August 30, 2019 at 10:18pm
M H You are right, Kevin, how to be oriented in all these projects ? Too many at once, they grow like mushrooms after the rain and it is really difficult to judge !
August 30, 2019 at 11:35am
Simon Keighley I'm also a member of Argentas Bill - Good luck spreading the word
August 30, 2019 at 11:05am
Bill Rippel Yes I also agree with everything said in previous posts. I am involved with another one ( Argentas ) which I find quite interesting. Another one you have to be invited to join. Here Is my link for those that are interested in checking it out. https://argentas.io/users/invite.php?invite=6A48782FA2
August 30, 2019 at 11:01am
Simon Keighley I do agree Kevin, the number of new entrants does become a bit daunting - we seem to be heading towards a crypto world, that's for sure. I have a few freebies like UUnit and I do like the sound of digital gold - let's see what the future has in store - Thank you.
August 30, 2019 at 10:21am
Kevin Jacobson There are so many blockchain and crypto projects going on these days who can keep up?
August 30, 2019 at 9:41am