DEFINITION OF ORAC - It is a lab test that attempts to quantify the " total antioxidant capacity" of a food by placing a sample of the food in a test tube, along with certain molecules that generate free radicals. It is observed that how many radicals have been absorbed by the sample under test and same is quantified.
ORAC VALUES OF SOME FOODS - cinnamon 267536,garlic 5346,cloves 31446, turmeric 102700,cumin seeds 76800, basil 49926, ginger 27618, apple 3082, apricot 1115, banana 875, dates 4895, almond 4392, walnut 13541, broccoli 3083, guava 2550, orange 1829 , Amla powder 261500
1. Men take kcals per day 2500 per day as food. Against this he should take upto 11000 orac/day. It is around 4.4 times that of the calories intake.
2. Women take 1800 k cals per day. They should take upto 8000 orac/day. It is also 4.4 times that of the calories intake. So our intake of oracs should be four times that of the calories intake as a general rule.
1. Do not smoke
2. Diet of fruits and vegetables.
3. Healthy weight.
4. Alcohol in moderation.
5. Exercise.
6. Adequate sleep.
7. Avoid infection- wash hands frequently and while cooking meat.
8. Avoid high glycemic foods which high free radicals.
9. Take vit C, E and B6.
1. Too much vit E can cause prostate cancer or hear stroke.
2. Too much of garlic can damage liver. Same way all foods have adverse effects if taken in excess.
EXAMPLE - A PERSON TAKING ORACs PER DAY - We discuss about a person taking antioxidants daily to improve immune system. It shows the quantity taken and its value in terms of orac. Items which are easily available at home , have been considered for Daily Consumption Plan to like
The ORAC provides defence system to the body. These are the appx figures. You should take anything between 5000 to 11000 oracs per day for male and 4000 to 8000 oracs for females. Whatsoever calories you take daily then take 4 times more oracs. This shall build your immune system. This data has been taken from Google. No such information is given in VLCC books. You can also refer to Google. What I have written as a Nutritionist, is not final but data to ponder over. More questions and debate can give us better knowledgeable to strengthen our immune system.
Regards, Col KG Sharma
Author: Col KG Sharma (Veteran) 69 years, Nutritionist, VLCC certificates in Clinical Nutrition and Weight Management |