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Achieving Your Goals For Your Business Success

Posted by Simon Keighley on March 11, 2021 - 10:46am

Achieving Your Goals For Your Business Success

Achieving Your Goals For Your Business Success

Achieving business success is never easy but if you have a clear vision and create the right mindset anything is possible.

Decide what you want to do, make a plan, write it down and set realistic goals - then take action and keep achieving your goals for your business success. This approach has become a proven method for creating success in many home-based businesses.

The goals you set require some measure of control, they should include milestones, you ought to be able to measure your progress at each milestone. By controlling the process, you are then in control of your journey, however, it's important to be truthful, realistic and strict with yourself - no successful journey was ever a walk in the park; there will be obstacles to overcome.


Your goals must be relevant to your business; they must be measurable and have a timeline.

When measuring progress towards your goals make sure the results are actually achievable and relevant to your work. For example, when setting goals for your business, the results will not likely include a sales increase that is significantly greater than the overall sales total. The best outcome that you can strive for is simply that the overall sales figures are increased by 1% over last year. In other words, small steps are realistically attainable.


Achieving each milestone completes the goal.

Measure your goals: there must be some way of telling when they have been achieved. A goal like "I will be making 5 calls to prospects per day" is not measurable. The goal has to be formulated in a way that it is possible to measure and track your goals in a certain manner. It's better to measure your progress on a weekly, semi-weekly or monthly basis and report on your progress on a weekly, quarterly or half-yearly basis.

It's wise to take responsibility for your performance at each milestone. How are you going to handle the setbacks or failures that will inevitably occur on your journey? You have to be able to take responsibility for the goals you set and the results you achieve. This means that you have to be truthful and accept you will make poor choices and bad business decisions. At each milestone, hold yourself accountable for the goal you set and the result you achieved.

So now that you have reviewed the top reasons for not achieving your objective, you are now ready to take action and achieve the goal which you set out to accomplish. The actions taken should be in line with your goal and be measurable, so as to ensure that there is accountability and a clear measure of progress towards the goal and, ideally, towards the end goal.



The action steps that you take to achieve your goals should be consistent with the value that you hold in your business and your world. Your overall goal must be something that you hold very dear to your heart but it should not disrupt your lifestyle. It's about creating a work-life balance between your business, me-time and family life. Refrain from setting goals that are detrimental to your business and your personal life. Long-term goals should be something that you take delight in achieving.

Your overall goal should be something that compels you; achieving it should never be a chore, rather, it should be fun and exciting as opposed to something that you dread doing, even if you have to make tough cuts in order to achieve it. If achieving goals is something that you love doing, it will be worth it.

Working towards a goal should never be something that you keep postponing. Putting things off, sets you back - you want your long-term goal to be something that inspires you, gives you enthusiasm, passion and drives you forward.

Taking action and completing a task is something you should enjoy, something which you desire. If you're passionate and motivated about your business, this should inspire you to take action. Having determination is key; the process shouldn't be something on the list that you put off for another time, rather, fulfilling your long-term goals should create a burning desire within you to pursue that goal and achieve it.

Achieving goals should be fun; something that causes you to leap off the sofa, jump in the air, do cartwheels or make you want to run up a hill after you think about it. Think of it as the single most important next step along your journey towards success.

Your overall goal should be the one that's sought after without reserve. Be creative; you should be willing to do the oddest things, do the most unlikely things in order to accomplish this goal. Accept change and take the challenge; do the unexpected things which used to go against the grain; do things that take your breath away and create excitement for your entrepreneurial journey.

Have fun; enjoy your journey.



ecosystem for entrepreneurs

Svetlana N thank you Simon
October 6, 2021 at 4:17pm
Simon Keighley Thanks for reading, Caleb and Sveta - have a great day.
October 6, 2021 at 4:01pm
Svetlana N thanks for sharing, Simon
October 6, 2021 at 3:53pm
Caleb Mpamei Thanks for the concise yet very practical advice, Simon.
August 24, 2021 at 7:27pm
Simon Keighley Thanks for reading, Laura, Gary, Corneliu and Andrey.
August 3, 2021 at 12:03pm
andrei68 Yarushin Thanks for the blog.
August 3, 2021 at 11:47am
Corneliu Boghian Interesting Article. Thank you for sharing
July 29, 2021 at 8:35pm
Gary Kriter Having a plan always helps.
April 8, 2021 at 12:57am
Laura ashley These blogs are great! I am taking notes.
April 8, 2021 at 12:17am
Simon Keighley Thanks for reading, Annette and Любовь - have a fabulous day.
April 2, 2021 at 2:26pm
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