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How do you know you're are business minded ?

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on February 17, 2023 - 9:03am

How do you know you're are business minded ?

Some people think they're born to be an entrepreneur; others see it as a skill anyone can learn. Regardless of where you stand on this debate, you can't argue with the fact that some people just know they're destined for entrepreneurship. If you aren't one of these people and you aren't sure whether you're suited to the profession, here are 12 signs that you're destined to be an entrepreneur.

1. You're constantly reaching for new achievements.

Having a restless spirit that's never satisfied with "good enough" is one sign that you'd make a great entrepreneur. Being a business owner means continually improving on your success and never resting in your comfort zone. If you love achieving, entrepreneurship might just be for you.

2. You like to be in control.

If you've ever been in a bad relationship with a controlling partner, you know that needing to be in control isn't always an entirely positive trait. That said, every entrepreneur needs a team to be successful. If you like being in charge and people have an easy time following your vision, you could make a very good entrepreneur.

3. You're a born risk taker.

Were you always the first kid to swing the rope out over the lake and jump in? If you love risk, entrepreneurship is likely going to be a great fit for you. Business leaders have to take calculated risks every day, while employees tend to have those risks decided for them. If you're a natural risk taker, you'll likely make a good business owner.

4. You like making your own money.

A desire to be rewarded directly for your accomplishments is a clear calling card of an entrepreneur. Many founders started their own businesses after getting fed up with working for other people's idea of a fair salary. As an entrepreneur, you can make your own profit with your own work--no more slaving away to help line somebody else's pockets.

5. You don't feel like you fit in.

An amazing number of successful entrepreneurs have felt like they simply didn't fit in with the "normal way" of living life. They dropped out of school, quit lucrative jobs, or did other "foolish" things, simply because they had to live life in their own way, on their own terms. If you feel like a black sheep or long to live unconventionally, this is a good sign you're meant to be an entrepreneur.

6. You're an introvert.

Being an introvert doesn't mean that you hate being around people; it just means that you recharge best when you're alone. It also means that you're more of an "ideas" person, enjoy working alone, are a great listener, and are great at fostering a team environment.

This isn't to say that extroverts can't be successful as well, as many outwardly focused people use their innate connecting abilities to drive the growth of their startups, but there are certain entrepreneurial advantages that come from being an introvert.

7. You take action.

Great ideas are a dime a dozen, and millions of hourly employees around the country have them. Hell, I'm sure you know at least a handful of people who constantly boast about their "million-dollar ideas," even though that's all that ever comes from their proposed business ventures.

The reason these "all talk" people aren't entrepreneurs is because they never take action on their ideas. If you're someone who takes action (or if you can partner with someone who can effectively implement your ideas), you'll likely succeed as an entrepreneur.

8. You're good with money.

Budgeting is no joke when it comes to business. Unsuccessful business owners squander money on foolish expenditures, wasting their limited capital on things like extravagant marketing displays or unnecessary conference travel. If you're good with a budget, you're already a step ahead. By being able to effectively budget, spend, and use money as a tool for growth, you'll be able to drive your business to success as an entrepreneur.

9. You're tenacious.

"Never say die" is the catchphrase of every entrepreneur. To succeed as a business owner, you need a tenacity that's, unfortunately, very rare. Not every day as a startup operator is rainbows and sunshine. You'll hit challenges and roadblocks that'll make you wish you'd never even started. At these times, it's up to you to find the inner resolve to be tenacious and push through--no matter how frustrated or exhausted you are.

If you have a tendency to doggedly pursue things until they're finished, and you won't give up until you succeed, you're a born entrepreneur.

10. You're confident.

Business owners have to raise a lot of money to fund their ideas, lead a team to implement those ideas, and sell those ideas to their customer base. Confidence goes a long way in each of these pursuits. If you believe in your abilities and simply know that you can succeed, you're destined to be an entrepreneur.

11. You're curious.

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it made the entrepreneur very wealthy. By always wondering "why," you'll get to the bottom line of many issues and develop new solutions in the form of products and services that haven't yet been introduced. You'll also be able to anticipate challenges before they arise and creatively problem-solve in a way many others can't. For these reasons, curiosity is key to being an entrepreneur.

12. You see the big picture.

As an entrepreneur, you can't afford to get bogged down in the small things. You need to be able to see the bigger picture of your vision. If this is something that comes easily to you, you'll likely turn out to be a good entrepreneur.

Certainly, this list isn't comprehensive. There are many different personality traits that help entrepreneurs be successful, and these are just 12 of the possibilities. But if you see yourself in at least a few of these descriptions, it's very likely that you're destined for work as an entrepreneur.

Don't wait any longer. Get out there and change the world!

Do you think you're destined to be an entrepreneur? Why or why not? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below:

To your success

Andries van Tonder

Serial Entrepreneur/investor since 2013.

Self employed for over 40 years

Andries Van Tonder Thank you Marketa, appreciate it
February 18, 2023 at 4:53am
Andries Van Tonder Thank you Simon
February 18, 2023 at 4:53am
M H That is nice article, Andries. Good points.
February 17, 2023 at 9:44pm
Simon Keighley Great points to consider to whether we fit into the entrepreneurial lifestyle, Andries - entrepreneurs do have a distinct mindset that sees outside of the box.
February 17, 2023 at 3:18pm
Barbrin van Tonder Thanks for sharing Andries - this is a great blog - I have still got so much to learn
February 17, 2023 at 1:15pm
Andries Van Tonder Thank you Otto
February 17, 2023 at 10:06am