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Christ Has Returned With An Urgent Message For All Humanity

Posted by Deb Williams - Editor on June 02, 2021 - 6:24am Edited 6/2 at 10:35pm

Christ Has Returned With An Urgent Message For All Humanity

As a devout believer and the overwhelming love I have for Jesus Christ, I am compelled to disseminate Christ’s Letters through the social broadcasting network, Markethive - A sovereign platform and manifestation of the Divine Itself - I AM. Built for all humanity to use as a medium for free speech, harmony, brotherly love, and collaboration for all to fulfill their aspirations in the physical world of business, prosperity and abundance, and spiritual evolution.

The time has come where we must spiritually rise up to overcome the evil and selfish egos of the human consciousness in the world. I was brought up as a strict catholic, schooled by nuns up to the age of 12 years old when it became clear to me that the Jesus I know and love was far removed from that doctrine. 

I have since lived my life with Jesus Christ in my heart with no religious affiliations and although I may live in the world, I am not of the world. Needless to say, that when I came across these letters, I just knew they were from Christ himself, that lived in this world more than 2000 years ago. He has returned to speak to anyone who will listen - Deb Williams  

From the original Christ Letters:

Jesus The Christ says:

‘I have come to rectify the misinterpretations placed on the teachings given when known as ‘JESUS’ in Palestine, 2000 years ago.

Christ also says: 

‘Because people are on the threshold of a world crisis of enormous proportions, it is vital for survival that I, the Christ, should reach all who will listen. You know little of the true processes of creation in which you,  yourselves, play a major role. It is imperative you should understand them  sufficiently to enable you to embark on the implementation of a higher  vision for all humanity.’ 

‘It is impossible for my spiritual consciousness to take on human form; to enable me to speak to you directly, I have deprogrammed and prepared a  receptive, obedient mind to receive my Truth and frame it in words. She is my ‘recorder.’

It is my, Christ’s, dearest longing these  LETTERS should be swiftly publicised and distributed to people seeking Truth.

If quoting from CHRIST'S LETTERS, please state the source  very clearly: CHRIST’S LETTERS from CHRIST’S WAY (https://www.christsway.co.za

To those who may wonder if these are truly Christ’s Letters, the Recorder made  this very clear within the Foreword to the Letters and also in the following  excerpts from the August 17, 2009 interview with Carmelo Urso: 

Carmelo Urso: Firstly I’d like you to explain to us, What are CHRIST’S  LETTERS? 

The Recorder: "They are ‘Letters’ dictated by Christ through the mind of his anonymous channeller who was told by Christ to be known only as the  Recorder. The purpose was to focus on Christ only as being the true author and  inspirer.” 

Carmelo Urso: Why does the person who channeled them remain anonymous? 

The Recorder: "Many, many people have written spiritual literature which, they have said, has been given them by Christ or Jesus. In most instances, the author has become famous and his name is probably remembered more easily than the works he has written. 

The Letters are, according to Christ, the seeds of our future spiritual evolution and are therefore of the utmost importance to people on earth. It must never be forgotten that Christ is both the author and the main spokesman in the text.  Nothing whatever has been drawn from other people’s writings. It has all come straight from Christ’s own consciousness.

The full August 17, 2009 Interview can be found here

The Recorder’s Message

First, I would like to explain why I have used the title of recorder in place of my real name. There was never the slightest doubt in my mind, whilst writing these LETTERS, that they emanated from Christ. I have described my reasons for being so sure of this, in my short biography.

During the writing of the LETTERS, I was clearly told to leave myself out of the picture that CHRIST’S LETTERS must stand entirely on their own. People must decide for themselves whether the Letters rang true or whether people felt they were fake. I had written down what I had received, I would try to get them out for public scrutiny, and whatever happened after that was strictly between the reader of the LETTERS and Christ Consciousness.

Christ promised in the LETTERS that they would form a link between the reader’s mind and Christ Mind and help would be given in understanding the deep meaning hidden behind the words.

Many people have reported experiencing that contact. Many people have been aware of an inflow of insight.

Therefore, just as a secretary’s name is unimportant in a business transaction, so is my name and my identity unimportant. What is truly important is whether the reader can feel this is the authentic Christ who has risen in spiritual consciousness to the very portals of the Equilibrium whilst still retaining individuality in order to remain in contact with the world of individuality.

Secondly, there has been division in opinion regarding the sometimes strange formatting of the LETTERS. I would like to explain that as Christ impressed my mind with words or pictures, which made it necessary for me to build up what I saw in words, I also felt the emotions (to a certain degree) that Christ felt when going through the events he is describing at this time. By dropping back into the vibrations of that time, Christ entered into those times, and relayed them through my mind. 

There was no way that the LETTERS could have been written in plain print or just using italics. So often, when a new wonderful insight was put through my mind, I wondered ‘How can I get this across?’ You will know what I mean as you read the LETTERS.

And so, to show that some powerful statement had come from Christ’s mind into mine, I used italics, dark print, and capitals. People have complained that this unconventional formatting interferes with the flow of reading. But this is just the point. 

These Letters are not meant to be read. They are meant to be PONDERED and this means you have to stop on the words in print which hold up the flow of words and THINK about what the words are trying to convey to you. You must remember at all times that when Christ tries to reach your human intelligence, he is relating truths which go way beyond your own experience in life in this world.

You have to reach into the infinite dimension in order to try to understand what you are being told. And so, if you spend half-an-hour pondering a paragraph with weird formatting, it is half-an-hour well spent if gradually, your mind opens up to new possibilities beyond your present thinking. As you reach up in consciousness to Christ Consciousness, asking for illumination, it will surely be given you. Not necessarily at that moment but perhaps, – wham, – when you least expect it, the answer will come shafting into your mind and you will KNOW that – ‘YES, THIS IS IT!’ – THIS IS THE TRUE ANSWER.

The Recorder’s Biography and Experience

Before reading CHRIST’s Letters, you may want to know how this spiritual exercise of transmission of consciousness was achieved. 

The work of preparing me to become Christ’s recorder began 40 years ago,  when as a committed Christian, encountering grievous difficulties as a  farmer, and asking Christ for help, an unexpected forceful answer caused me to reexamine and discard all religious dogma. 

Enlightenment followed and clearly led in new directions of work and study, I founded a business dealing with people, which flourished. For seven years I enjoyed success and much happiness. To grow in spiritual understanding, I then went through diverse, very traumatic human experiences and, after much suffering,  painfully and gainfully learnt their lessons, then transcended them spiritually. 

One evening, in response to prayer for guidance, the presence of Christ became a reality, who gave me irrefutable proof of his identity. He spoke to me for an hour, sending strong waves of Cosmic Love through my body, and gave me a brief description of what I was to be taught and eventually achieve. A fortnight later, he led me through a transcendent experience of  Conscious Union with ‘God’. I became a healer and instrumental in some instantaneous healings. 

From 1966-1978, at important points of my life, in response to questioning, Christ instructed me in spiritual-scientific principles, now explained by Christ in his Letters. In 1975, I experienced a night of visions describing events between 1983 and 1994, all of which came true. I was again told there would be work for me to do in the future. 

Eventually, after many and varied vicissitudes, always alleviated by my strong connection with Christ and my deepening understanding and personal experience of ‘First Cause’, I was brought to my present home.  Here, I have lived an increasingly solitary life in the past twenty years,  sometimes in clear and close contact with Christ and sometimes left to strengthen my faith and patience in the spiritually dry periods. In the past four years, I have been led through mental/emotional purification, reaching my goal of perfect inner peace and joy. 

Christ has put me through a gradual but very clear refining process. When perfectly empty of self, malleable and receptive – the Voice began its dictation and the Letters began to take shape. 

These Letters are entirely the work of Christ. Nothing in them has been derived from other literature, although in recent years, certain writers have obviously drawn much of their own inspired insight from Christ’s conscious radiation of Truth. All those who are in harmony with his  Consciousness are greatly blest. I am merely the ‘Recorder’ – nothing more. 

Christ Says… 

My BOUNDLESS CELESTIAL LOVE impels me to return again and again to  write to mankind, with the intention that finally – as many of you who are  ready to receive it – will possess the knowledge which will enable you to  transcend your humanhood and merge into ‘Father Consciousness’ – the true  ‘Love Consciousness’ in which are realised all things bountiful and  beautiful." (Letter 3.pdf

Because of the wrong interpretation placed on my mission by Jewish teachers,  my true message has been distorted out of recognition and the purpose of  these Letters is to bring to the people of this New Age, the truth of what I really  spoke to the crowds in Palestine." (Letter 2.pdf

MOVING BETWEEN DIFFERENT LEVELS OF ‘CONSCIOUSNESS’ is no easy or pleasant assignment. It is only because my mission on earth was not  completed when I died in Palestine, that I now return to help you prepare to  enter a new age, a new phase of individualised existence on earth." (Letter 3.pdf

These Letters offer the only true means by which people will find the path to  the spiritual dimension in which all human error fades away and only love  remains." (Letter 3.pdf

I repeat emphatically, whilst my persona on earth two thousand years ago was that of JESUS, the purpose of my presence, the CHRIST PRESENCE, within these Letters, is to reach sensitive and inspired souls to teach them how to draw on Divine Assistance during the future horror in which the world will ultimately be embroiled. 

For this reason, my powerful longing to rescue those who can receive me has been crystallised in the form of the TRUTH OF  EXISTENCE within these Letters. Know this – heed it. (Letter 4.pdf

It is only those who will follow me in acceptance and faith into daily meditation, the cleansing of consciousness, and impassioned prayer for enlightenment, who will eventually gain ever-deepening glimpses – then experiences – of what creation itself may access – Divine Consciousness.  (Letter 6.pdf

In my transcendent state, I can do more for you when you call upon me than I  could if I were to return to earth in a physical body when you might see me with your eyes and hear me with your ears, but your understanding of Truth of  Being might be limited. (Letter 7.pdf

In this mode of contact with your consciousness, you can receive me direct into your mind and heart when the preconditions to such contact have been fulfilled. (Letter 7.pdf

For I tell you truly, the more time and meditation you devote to these Letters,  the more will it become possible for you to receive higher inspiration and instruction from me, personally, because with every reading of these Letters,  the more will your own frequencies of consciousness be raised towards my spiritual consciousness frequencies – and eventually we will be able to reach a  true meeting place of consciousness. Then – abundant will be the fruitage in your life. (Letter 7.pdf

Daily, sincere meditation and prayer will enable a mental cleansing to take place and gradually TRUTH and UNDERSTANDING will replace the old myths which once were so dear to you. (Letter 5.pdf

ENLIGHTENMENT: These [letters] are offered free to all who have the will and courage to WALK my CHRIST WAY leading ultimately to enlightenment, freedom from ego, and entry into the Kingdom of Heaven. (Article 1-Cracks In Your Planet.pdf

Enlightenment can come in various ways – it can come as a mind-blowing experience which immediately transforms your perception of your SOURCE of  BEING and your previous intellectual understanding of your world. True  Enlightenment is an inflow of Divine Consciousness into your human consciousness which you will never lose and which permanently transforms your attitudes to your Creator and your life generally. 

Or – through persistent study of my Letters, little moments of extraordinary insight, little times of illumining shafts of LIGHT will enter your mind which will shift the focus of your inner sight – or clear the lens through which you see the world and judge the validity of all its opinions and beliefs. (Article 1-Cracks In Your Planet.pdf

Gradually, you shed the illusions which previously blinded you and you find yourself gaining mastery of your mind and actions, leading to wholeness in every aspect of your individual being. (Article 1-Cracks In Your Planet.pdf

Walking the CHRIST WAY – as set out in my Letters – is a lifetime work leading directly to freedom from anxiety and want. (Article 1-Cracks In Your Planet.pdf

MEETING A MASTER: When a person’s soul begins to free itself of the Ego,  it begins to impress within the person’s consciousness an urgent need to get rid of the barriers which shut one person off from another and to feel spiritually at peace with other people. This is an advanced state of the soul which will now meet a personal Master to lead him/her through the various stages of death of the Ego. (Article 5-Walking In Love.pdf

HOW TO READ THESE LETTERS: Since these Letters take you into a  spiritual-mental dimension transcending the human plane of activities and concerns, they will be best absorbed if preceded by a time of stillness and relaxation. Quieten your minds, if possible, going into a state of inner silence of thought. It is only when you are in this completely receptive state that these  Letters will penetrate your human thought with their reality. (Letter 3.pdf

As you read, you will find in them both my Presence and my Love.


Christ Returns To Speak His Truth - The Nine Letter Summaries

Letter 1 Summary (Letter 1.pdf)

Christ speaks of his reasons for returning to dictate these Letters. He says mankind brings its own woes upon itself through its thoughts and actions. He speaks of the importance of brotherly love and its role in spiritual evolution. He warns of the seeds being sown for global terrorism and crisis, a time of travail.

He tells us there is no such thing as “sin against God”, only the spiritual-scientific principle that you reap as you sow. He says Christianity should die a natural death. He tells what the Beast is and of its threat to mankind.

He explains our true Source of Being, the origins of “human personality" and says it is what is in our hearts and minds that create the conditions and disasters we see in the world. He tells us how we can create a new reality and says the key lies within each of us. 

Christ emphasizes that sickness is not the Father’s will. He explains the true source of disease, including HIV.

He dispels myths about his time on Earth, telling us why he was crucified and why his mission was not properly recorded. He describes his six weeks in the desert and how what he learned changed him from a rebel to a Master and Healer.

He tells us about the Kingdom of Heaven, the nature of God, and the nine principles of creation.

Letter 2 Summary  (Letter 2.pdf

Christ says that as Jesus he was an example of what every person can become.

He says his Letters are the foundation for the next age and that misinterpretations of the New Testament impede spiritual progress. He continues the story of his life on Earth. He explains the true meaning of his mission to “save” mankind and the truth about his crucifixion.

He tells how he taught people about the great law of reaping as you sow, how attitudes create ills, and how to lead lives of love.

Letter 3 Summary   (Letter 3.pdf

Christ says there is no salvation as described in church dogma. Man must rise into Universal Love Consciousness because this alone will free him from the law of cause and effect.

Christ tells us that while in the desert, he saw there was nothing solid under the sun, that everything was consciousness made visible. At the same time, he realized how his thoughts affected things around him.

He explains how he tried to teach people that the Father was within them and how they could enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He says people were afraid to accept his teachings.

He describes the feeding of the multitude, talks about the role of faith, and tells what happened when he walked on water.

He tells us how he angered the Jewish priests, and how the disciples reacted to the news of his impending crucifixion. He describes the Last Supper and reveals the truth about the resurrection.

Letter 4 Summary  (Letter 4.pdf

Christ notes the history of the Jews since the crucifixion. He spells out the causes of the coming world crisis.

He tells us that Prophets and Teachers are of one Mind and one Love and that He and Muhammad, Buddha, and all other Masters have ascended into Christ Consciousness.

Christ tells us what we need to do to achieve perfection in Paradise. He says all people are equal. He tells us that the only way for us to survive the turmoil is to rise above religious differences and live as a spiritual brotherhood of love. He explains how each person can make a difference, how each one can improve his or her surroundings through their thinking.

He and the other Masters speak about the source of gender differences and the effect of sexual relationships on men and women, their lives, and the world. They speak about purity and spiritual love.

They say the battle between the sexes is affecting the world, and they explain the origins of viruses. They say the attitude between men and women will eventually change, spiritual progress will take place, and children with new spiritual potential will be born.

Letter 5 Summary  (Letter 5.pdf)

Christ tells us the purpose of his mission in Palestine and why his teachings have been distorted. He says positive thinking is not fulfilling.

He explains that matter is not solid and how it is affected by human thought. He says the universe is consciousness made visible and sets out the spiritual-scientific principles of how it came into being. He also explains how electromagnetism gives material effect to what he says is the great scientific and spiritual law that determines the human condition and experience: “You reap as you sow.”

Letter 6 Summary (Letter 6.pdf)

Christ describes the nature and purpose of existence.

He tells us the purpose of our spiritual journey. He explains the role of the ego. He says it is the means of expressing individuality and is a necessary tool, but the source of all suffering.

Letter 7 Summary (Letter 7.pdf)

Christ tells what takes place spiritually during sex, and how children are born with different levels of consciousness. He explains men’s and women's places in the world order.

He talks about the origins of the Christian “god” and dogma. He tells us about the Last Supper and what led him to pass the bread and wine around. He tells us the truth about “sin”.

Letter 8 Summary (Letter 8.pdf)

Christ explains how to live in line with the Laws of Existence and come into a state of harmonious being where all things are abundantly provided, health is restored, unconditional love is spontaneous and joy becomes a natural state of mind. 

He tells us how to deal with conflict in relationships. He also explains why we should never judge, criticize or condemn another person or take a position that will humiliate someone else.

He teaches us how to meditate, and gives us Christ’s Prayer.

Letter 9 Summary (Letter 9.pdf)

Christ tells people how to overcome the ego and how to face times of conflict and adversity.

He tells us laughter is Divine. 

He warns us about spiritual “exercises” that tie us to material life.

He speaks about racism and emphasizes that everyone is united in Oneness. 

He ends with a message of encouragement for all who are drawn to his Letters.  

Here is The Ultimate Study Guide Book in PDF format of Christ’s Letters in their entirety and also includes all of His 16 Articles & Messages plus the original transcripts for the Letters. 

They can also be located on the original website https://www.christsway.co.za

With Deepest Love and Blessings for All and with Deepest Love & Eternal Gratitude for this profound Gift from the Recorder & Christ. 


tatana Tatiana Yarushina Thanks Deb, great info!
December 25, 2021 at 7:55am
Bruce Jacobs Thanks for sharing... WoW!
December 4, 2021 at 5:51am
Corneliu Boghian thanks for info
October 7, 2021 at 5:03am
Adonel Lowings Amen - Thank you Deb for sharing. It is overwelming peace to my mind
September 9, 2021 at 9:13am
Bruce Jacobs Very interesting Deb, thank you for the post!
July 24, 2021 at 2:42am
andrei68 Yarushin Hello Deb thanks.
June 15, 2021 at 5:59am
Andries Van Tonder Thank you Deb
June 14, 2021 at 9:54am
Bill Rippel Thanks for sharing, Deb. Looking forward to reading all the letters.
June 2, 2021 at 4:50pm
SÉRGIO LEITE Thanks Deb for sharing. Much peace and light!
June 2, 2021 at 11:40am
Simon Keighley Amen to spiritually rising up to overcome the evil and selfishness in today's world, Deb - thanks for sharing.
June 2, 2021 at 7:31am
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