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Buenos Aires Mayor Touts Plan That Permits Tax Payments in Bitcoin

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on April 27, 2022 - 9:48am

Buenos Aires Mayor Touts Plan That Permits Tax Payments in Bitcoin

Allowing residents to pay taxes with cryptocurrencies is but one part of Mayor Horacio Rodriguez Larreta's vision for improving government.

By Jose Antonio Lanz

Buenos Aires Mayor Horacio Rodriguez Larreta today gave a virtual presentation touting ways to optimize city government, one of which is allowing residents to pay taxes in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.

The plan has 12 main goals, another of which is using blockchain technology for protecting personal data. Dubbed Buenos Aires+, the overall vision focuses heavily on improving public services through technological reforms.

“We have the clear conviction that citizens must own their information, their documents, because we trust in their capacity and they have the responsibility to do so,” Rodriguez Larreta said during his presentation. “All this data flow, which is going to increase exponentially, is going to be protected by blockchain technology, the second transformation.”

Rodriguez Larreta said that so far the city has digitized almost 900 different procedures. To keep pace, taking advantage of decentralized digital technologies will be required. A draft of Rodriguez Larreta’s plan initially was released on March 10.

“People will have the possibility to digitally authenticate their identity through an application and will have access, in a single place, to their information, documentation and personal records, facilitating the management of their procedures, applications and permits,” he wrote on Twitter.

Rodriguez Larreta said that leveraging blockchain technology will “let users have control over their data.” Blockchain-powered ID services have already been widely explored, among them initiatives by ConsenSys, the World Economic Forum, R3, and IBM.

To avoid the risks associated with the volatility of cryptocurrencies, the municipality does not plan to hold any tokens as part of the public treasury. The plan is to partner with various wallets and payment processors to convert cryptocurrency payments into fiat money—in this case, Argentine pesos—immediately after they’re made.

Andries Van Tonder Agree with you Adonel, yes crypto is the future
April 27, 2022 at 11:58am
Andries Van Tonder thank you Simon for reading it
April 27, 2022 at 11:57am
Andries Van Tonder thank you Barbin for your comment
April 27, 2022 at 11:57am
Adonel Lowings Thank you for sharing the info - Bitcoin is the future.
April 27, 2022 at 10:05am
Simon Keighley Interesting to read Buenos Aires is embracing crypto for tax payments, Andries - things are ramping up in the crypto sector. Makes you wonder which country will be next to follow suit. Thanks for sharing the news.
April 27, 2022 at 10:04am
Barbrin van Tonder Thank you for sharing Andries. More & more people are adopting crypto currencies and am sure in the future more people will do so too
April 27, 2022 at 9:51am