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Why is it important to diversify your investments?

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on October 01, 2023 - 1:29pm

Why is it important to diversify your investments?

Preserving wealth may be less exciting than generating it, but a balance between the two approaches is widely-considered to be one of the most important aspects of long-term investment.

While wealth generation aims to maximise market highs, wealth preservation comes down to protecting your investments from the lows. One of the best ways to achieve this is by diversifying your investments across various assets, which spreads the risk across your investment portfolio as drops are mitigated by stable and rising assets.

The experts call this healthy balance of investing across a broad spectrum of investments a balanced portfolio. 

An example

To illustrate the point, let’s look at how diversification is put to work in the equity market.

If you invested $10,000 into a company stock, let’s call it Stock A, and its value halved overnight, it would leave a substantial crater in your investment.

But, if you spread your $10,000 between five companies, the damage from Stock A’s fall from grace would be offset by your investment into the other companies. 

The same applies to cryptocurrency investments. If you put all your eggs into Bitcoin or Ethereum, or whichever other cryptocurrency, there’s a risk that the value of your investment relies too heavily on the performance of the one. If Bitcoin’s having a bad day, the value of your investment’s going down with it, but spreading your investment between three or four or five coins breaks up this risk.

How do you spread risk? 

It comes down to both the timing of your investments and what you invest in. 

Diversification applies to every level of the investment journey. There is diversification at the top level, between the different asset classes: currency, commodities such as gold, property, equity, digital assets, and so on. 

Then there is diversification at the lower level, within each asset class. In your equity investments, for example, it’s common to put your money into a number of different companies operating in different sectors rather than just pouring all your savings into one company stock. 

Dollar cost averaging 

The frequency with which you invest also impacts the risk exposure of your investment. Many financial professionals advise that investors phase in their investments rather than investing it all at once. 

By investing the same amount at the same intervals, investors can even out the ups and downs in the market. This is known as Dollar cost averaging.


Diversify with Luno 

Our multi-buy option allows you to buy all our most popular cryptocurrencies, or even all our cryptocurrencies, in one buy. Or you can decide which coins you want to buy and the amount will be evenly distributed across your selected cryptocurrencies. In doing this, you help spread your risk across your crypto investments.

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Please note that the information in this article is not intended nor does it constitute financial or investment advice. Before making any decision or taking any action regarding your finances, you should consult a licensed Financial Adviser. The information and content provided is provided as general information. While every care and effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy

About: Andries vanTonder

Over 40 years selfemployed 

He is a Serial Entrepreneur, an Enthusiastic supporter of Blockchain Technology and a Cryptocurrency Investor

Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account  | My Instagram Acount  | and my Facebook Profile.

Andries Van Tonder Thank you Simon. Diversification applies to every level of the investment journey
October 2, 2023 at 6:38am
Simon Keighley Totally agree, Andries - it\'s a smart move to diversify your investments across various assets rather than concentrate on one asset. Thanks for the tips.
October 2, 2023 at 5:20am
Andries Van Tonder Thank you Barbrin. While wealth generation aims to maximize market highs, wealth preservation comes down to protecting your investments from the lows.
October 1, 2023 at 2:24pm
Barbrin van Tonder Thank you for the information Andries . The experts call this healthy balance of investing across a broad spectrum of investments a balanced portfolio.
October 1, 2023 at 2:06pm