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Welcome to Markethive

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“Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship. The act that endows the resources with a new capacity to create wealth”, “while also, creating some enemies” ………Peter Drucker


Social Networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Reddit and countless others continue to explode globally and increase their influence in the way we communicate and interact act with each other.  Technology has impacted our daily lives and MarketHive is another participant that is impacting those who are in the realm of entrepreneurship.  Now, Markethive is a social network for entrepreneurs and provides a blogging platform with the essential tools, training, traffic and resources to operate a successful online business.  Consider Markethive to be your bullet train versus an old Choo Choo train. 

More importantly, consider the unfair advantage given to members who have access to an arsenal of FREE Inbound Marketing tools and content creation resources within this blogging platform for serious minded marketers who bring value to their customers:

  • Videos
  • List Management
  • Autoresponders
  • Google Analytics
  • Capture pages
  • Blogging system
  • Email Broadcaster
  • Group Builder
  • Forum Builder
  • Campaign Builder
  • Plus more to come because innovation is oxygen for this company

Unfortunately, like any new technology there are skeptics and “Old Guard” who have heavy and long-term investment in maintaining the status-quo.  We see the animosity and outright violence that occurs when “Uber” is mentioned or exists in any medium to large size city within North America.  Clearly, the taxi industry never considered competition from a multinational online transportation network with an app (Uber Mobile app) that can be reached by a smart phone.  Instant customized service is the new standard and failure to keep up means the immediate demise of a business or at least the way business has been traditionally conducted.  Today’s consumers or more precisely millennials are very me-centered and have no loyalty to any brand that doesn’t satisfy their wants or needs in real time.

Now, Markethive has experienced similar forceful push back from some existing social networks when offering information (tips, tricks, quality content and proven methods of lead generation) that would enhance the marketing skills and knowledge of subscribers.  Indeed, competition can be cut-throat but, that is often based on fear of the unknown with the potential loss of power and influence that seems to be the primary factor that has lead to past documented acts of both industry and politically-assisted sabotage against entrepreneurs such as Elon Musk and Preston Tucker.  Imagine “back-room industry-political collusion leading to the prohibition of direct-sales of a product/service you are offering to the general public.  So much, for American Free enterprise or basic capitalism where the market will determine the outcome.  Preston Tucker experienced the heavy hand of the Security Exchange Commission trying to destroy his reputation, while accusing him of fraud. Fortunately, Mr. Tucker exposed and proved how an industry (automobile) will go to great lengths to protect its grip on power with the assistance of corrupt government agencies.  Elon Musk, Cofounder of Tesla Motors has also, experienced the same corruption through lobbying efforts by various State Auto Retailer Associations, who fear the by-passing of motor vehicles from franchised auto dealer associations.  Buying a car online means loss of jobs and significant change in the automotive sales industry that isn’t welcomed.

In all businesses there exists a culture with the expectation of all employees to fit in.  Now, the same or similar expectation exists within industries and this is where entrepreneurs, mavericks and renegades earn their undesirable reputation among the status-quo.  When the freaks, oddballs and outsiders execute their problem-solving skills in a non-traditional way then, fear of the corporate image being damaged becomes paramount and the non-conformists are quickly sacked.  Now, entrepreneurial geniuses like Steve Jobs, Eric Eisenberg and others had suffered this experience and you can include Markethive into the mix.  Why the resistance towards another new social network, while so many have come and gone?  If, you watched Rise of the Entrepreneur then, you would recognize that this company embraces change and adapts to the reality of the conditions of its customers so as to achieve a solution.  Ironically, many companies are resistant to making adjustments to satisfy their customers base.        

“Success is a double-edged sword because you are loved, but also, feared and sometimes hated at the same time which, MarketHive is experiencing this phenomenon”.  Nevertheless, in true entrepreneurial spirit this social network with its 20-years of past technical expertise as the innovator of automated marketing systems known as Veretekkk continues to evolve in the area of Inbound Marketing systems.  

Nothing like strong and intelligent leadership (Type A Personality) that is willing to take risk with the support of others to achieve a goal.  Many entrepreneurs are described as Type A personality, which is acknowledged by Markethive’s CEO Thomas Prendergast, who affectionately said, “As an entrepreneur, when you threaten me, or challenge me, or light me up basically, I become like a stampeding herd of wild horses”.

Vaurn James
