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The Positive Impact Blockchain Is Having On Food Exports

Posted by Simon Keighley on March 03, 2020 - 4:42am

The Positive Impact Blockchain Is Having On Food Exports

The Positive Impact Blockchain Is Having On Food Exports

By Adrian Barkley

  • So the main idea of this program was to set out and improve the safety of our food as well as animal welfare and export security in Australia.
  • The importance of food safety is paramount, now more than ever.


Last year, the truck and transport insurance firm based down under, National Transport Insurance announced that they will be teaming up with an Australian blockchain platform, BeefLedger on a brand new pilot program which will see blockchain tech used for end-to-end tracking of exports of meat in the nation.

So why are we mentioning it now?

Well as it the holidays, most of us will be getting excited to tuck into our evening meals. Most of us will be having meat in those meals…

So the main idea of this program was to set out and improve the safety of our food as well as animal welfare and export security in Australia. Distributed ledger platform will be being utilised alongside cutting-edge packaging technology and an Internet of Things platform which will help design and provide constant real-time information on meat product data and supply chain performance. 

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The importance of food safety is paramount, now more than ever. By using decentralised tech like blockchain, the odds of infected or tinted meat is going to lower significantly.

According to the blockchain platform, the aim of the two firms partnering up is to make use of the technology in order to design a multi-layered framework for enhanced product security and credentialing which will most likely be interesting to the insurance company to the potential for reduced insurance risk. 

At the time, the CEO of the insurance company, Tony Clark expressed his thoughts on the matter stating that there is some real value in the program. 

Clark said:

“We’re excited by the prospects this presents across several streams of Australian industry: agriculture, animal welfare, transport and logistics. While it’s early stages, we’re optimistic of the outcomes and learning, and what it potentially means for Australian suppliers, exporters and consumers.”

The chairman of BeefLedger, Warwick Powell also spoke on the partnership saying:

“Research shows us that ethical standards and concerns for animal welfare, along with authenticity and proof of product origin, are amongst the top priorities for Chinese consumers. It’s also what’s driving consumer interest in Australian products.”

Article produced by Adrian Barkley



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Andries Van Tonder Thanks for sharing Simon.
March 18, 2020 at 6:15am
Róbert Horváth Nagyon jó cikk
March 13, 2020 at 7:28am
Otto Knotzer thank you good contribution
March 4, 2020 at 4:19am
Louis Harvey Great Post Simon! This just confirms that we are all in the right place as the blockchain technology continue to unfold across all industry
March 4, 2020 at 4:17am
Simon Keighley I agree Kevin - blockchain can be advantageous to most industries due to technology being able to provide a multi-layered framework and enhanced product security. Thanks for reading Kevin and Susan.
March 3, 2020 at 9:52am
Kevin Jacobson It is so interesting to watch all the various Innovations of the blockchain unfold.
March 3, 2020 at 5:40am
March 3, 2020 at 5:22am
Simon Keighley Thanks for reading Otto.
March 3, 2020 at 5:03am
Otto Knotzer good article
March 3, 2020 at 5:00am