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Who Will Triumph In These Dark Times? Markethive - An End Times Project

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on October 04, 2021 - 7:18am Edited 10/4 at 7:51am

Who Will Triumph In These Dark Times? Markethive - An End Times Project

We live in uncertain times, prophesied as the end times and reflected in the Book Of Revelation, with catastrophic events impacting society on every level. With the global economy in free fall and increased surveillance, our privacy, freedom, autonomy, and in many cases, people’s livelihoods are confiscated by the reigning tech giants with no regard for humanity, freedom of expression, and basic human rights. 

Canceling the people brave enough to broadcast their message of corrupt officials, cover-ups, and expose those responsible for the global chaos we are all experiencing and have fallen victim to. It’s all part of a greater awakening and the fall of the cabal. 

Many scholars still see the Book Of Revelation as an enigma and difficult to understand fully. But, as pointed out by an individual not known for his extensive biblical knowledge, he understood it to mean “We win in the end.” Although simplified, there is an obvious truth to this interpretation.  

The number of people appalled at where things are headed who wish to preserve human sovereignty and freedom grows daily. Our opportunity is here, right now, to make a difference together. While the cliques are still on the offensive, busy upholding their biased agenda and wielding their so-called power to oppress humanity’s self-expression, we can elude this evil and determine our future on our terms. 

Markethive - An End Times Project

So we don’t just wait in the hope of salvation. We get on with doing whatever is in our power to do. Markethive is an end-times project delivered to thwart those who hope to profit to an obscene degree from an end of human health and freedom. Built by the people, for the people, Markethive is a robust entrepreneurial community of those who wish to preserve a human society dedicated to spiritual and political freedom and prosperity for future generations.

As with many newly created systems, awareness, understanding, and mainstream adoption take time; however, the recent worldly events have certainly accelerated things on two fronts; 

1. The decentralized concept of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies as a new monetary system.

2. The emergence of sovereign platforms like Markethive with independent cloud systems to circumvent      the repressive, unconscionable conduct of the social media elite and service provider giants, including      AWS, Apple, and Aweber. 

A growing number of people, aspiring entrepreneurs, and critical thinkers will not kowtow to the insidious actions of big tech and are part of what is causing real frustration and risk for the elite as they try to suppress and control the global populace. 

However, I believe their efforts will be thwarted, likened to the Hydra, the Greek legend of a giant multi-headed immortal monster. When one head is severed, two more will grow. 

A Flourishing Economy

At Markethive, known as the ecosystem for entrepreneurs, we are building a flourishing economy. A world within a chaotic world but not of that world, upholding self-sovereignty, freedom of speech, and liberty.

Some platforms, specific to microblogging, video, or digital media, are rising in opposition to what big tech is doing to silence the people and cover up the blatant lies and nefarious activities. However, to be completely untouchable by the tech giants, platforms need to cut all ties by owning and installing their technology, giving them the sovereignty to broadcast and be of altruistic service to the world. 

Users from all walks of life, influencers, marketers, business owners are looking for and migrating to more sovereign platforms to exercise their right to free speech along with the opportunity to improve their livelihood. Markethive is leading the way and can deliver a complete system where you will no longer have to rely on the monopolies for its services of any kind on any level.  

A Divine Vision

Markethive owns and operates on its independent servers and is underpinned by Blockchain with its Hivecoin (HVC). Due to Markethive’s infrastructure, the Markethive Consumer Coin will be one of the few cryptocurrencies that will remain strong, gathering momentum in this time of transition to a digital economy. 

Markethive is a divine vision that will thrive in these end times, driven by the community, with the velocity effect required to maximize the economy. Supply and demand within the Markethive ecosystem will result in financial sovereignty, autonomy, privacy, and peace. 

As we move forward with a digital economy, Bitcoin and purposeful altcoins will become the foundation of business. Markethive is a decentralized social media, marketing, and broadcasting network, with the imminent release of its exchange and wallet. That makes it an all-encompassing platform that is essential in these dark times of division and derision and critical for humanity’s financial health and well-being.


Thomas Prendergast, CEO and Founder of Markethive - and the architect of the blockchain-driven Social Market Network, has dedicated many years to building this “Ark” in anticipation of these end times. 

Giving back the autonomy and freedom of expression desperately needed to communicate and conduct any business online. With a holistic approach, Markethive enables every individual to realize their potential regardless of what is happening out there. Thomas says, 

“Amid this crisis, it’s business as usual and then some for Markethive, providing financial inclusion for all is our primary objective. The answer is Markethive’s blockchain technologies and integrated entrepreneurial ecosystem where people have privacy, autonomy, and sovereignty. They earn an income with our native crypto coin (HVC) in many different ways daily, including becoming a shareholder via the ILP, the added staking advantage of the Vault, and also profiting from the many cottage industries within the Markethive ecosystem. Essentially, it’s the community that owns Markethive and not the hierarchy". 

Transcending The Evil In The World

With God’s help, we will withstand the technocracy that is trying to enslave humanity. There is something greater than these tech giants and elitists that even they cannot control. Every thinking individual recognizes that something more prominent is taking place. 

We are spiritual beings experiencing physical reality, with many feeling trapped in the oligarchs’ agenda. A dictatorship can only exist with followers. We don’t need to go along with the obedient herd; we do have another choice. Above all, know that we can overcome all negative worldly emotions and circumstances from a spiritual foundation. 

Markethive is already in every country in the world to lift hundreds of millions of people into an environment of freedom of speech and information, financial sovereignty, and well-being. We are responsible for creating a massive army for the Lord and a foundation for the last days; The final harvest.  

To join Markethive for free, click HERE


Andries Van Tonder thank you Adonel
October 4, 2021 at 12:57pm
Adonel Lowings Markethive is the future, I am glad to be part of Markethive.
October 4, 2021 at 12:49pm
Andries Van Tonder thank you Simon, Yes Markeive is something special, glad to be part of it
October 4, 2021 at 11:05am
Simon Keighley Great to be on board Markethive, Andries - many people are looking for a platform that upholds self-sovereignty, freedom of speech & liberty and escapes the constraints of the monopolies. Excellent post, thanks for sharing.
October 4, 2021 at 8:16am